Monday, June 16, 2008


Picture courtesy of NST

After government announced the starting date of the rebates collection, you can see how desperate people are, rushing to the nearest post office to collect their rebates. This is the post chaotic traffic jams at some post offices after the previous one at all petrol stations nationwide.

Why people are so nervous about the rebates? Because they are scared that Pak Lah and his ministers will change their minds again by canceling the rebates. Unsynchronized facts told by Pak Lah and his ministers to the media have proven their unreliable credibility in the public’s eyes. A barking dog can tell more reliable truth of incoming stranger compare to all the speculations made by these BN cronies.

Another reason is because this fuel hike does not spare most of us. It unexpectedly burdens the people and with most of their salary almost depleted at the middle of month, not surprising to see so many people cum refugees hunger for this reinforcement.

Many Malaysians have become more alert and sensitive to numbers especially those with $$$. Rebates such as this is hardly resistible. Not surprising if they are some who started charting the milestone of their next salary date on their calendars at home. More and more people are sensitive to hear words such as GOES UP. Ever since government announce something that GOES UP, you will see many disappointed Malaysians come and united as one regardless of their religions, races or backgrounds to show their despair against Dollah on the streets. While GOES UP is sensitive to people, we are grateful that the rain still COME DOWN on our soil and we remain DOWN in contact to the earth from gravitational pull.

With inflation goes up, we would expect more people to live a chicken life synonym to kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang. Rebates or no rebates, without successful attempt to stop the government-Petronas scam, we would expect a tougher life ahead.

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