Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dollah cutting candy intake, no difference to Rakyat

Taking a candy out from pocket and give it to 1000 hungry kids? This is what the people felt after Dollah made his latest announcement to cut10% of the ministers and their deputies’ entertainment allowances.

For PM, ministers and their deputies, entertainment allowances are just another bonus for them since they could hardly use them due to their daily hectic schedules to attend functions or entertainment events organized by their cronies, GLCs or NGOs. Sometimes you made traveling attempts more convenient by attending overseas functions as part of your “holiday package”, sponsored with people’s money and somehow not alone in business class but accompanied by your wife or family members. It’s a very smart way of you to hide all this hidden truth from the people.

Come on, worthless cut is still effortless to reduce the burden of the people’s life. If Dollah wants to understand how the people feel, better read the following “7 measures of highly effective leader” proposed by the people:

Point 1: Slash all unnecessary allowances from your personal entitlements since you have been traveling in official cars, using sponsored fuel, living in large official residences served by maids and professionals, traveling on official jets and sponsored trips, etc. Take economic class and no more business class. In fact, business class is for professionals and businessmen, not for ministers and their deputies who are indeed appointed by the people to run the government.
Point 2: Due to food crisis which also directly link to fuel hike, don’t expect the people to cut down on food consumptions at higher price whereas your ministries still allow the old fashion banquet burning lots of people’s money and ending with whole loads of food wastage, which normally end up in the trash bin.

Point 3: Do your own shopping to understand the people’s pocket. Assuming that you shop using RM100, see how much you can buy now for a round of shopping? Hopefully, you will understand the impact brought by the fuel hike on a family with husband earning RM1000 while the wife is not working.

Point 4: Understand the people’s feelings by taking the public transports during rush hours using public bus, LRT, commuter or monorail services without reinforcement from bodyguards. To avoid the exposure of your identity to the public, the people suggest you to disguise in someone else by wearing a mask and dress up like normal people etc.

Point 5: For holidays, you don’t have to travel overseas spending people’s money. Set an example by spending holidays locally with your family. Perhaps, each minister and deputy should share their personal holiday experience in their traveling blogs at these destinations in a way to promote Cuti-Cuti Malaysia among the people. Besides lower cost and less traveling time, this is also good for the local tourism industry to cut down its dependency on foreign tourists.

Point 6: Due to the fuel hike, you can expect an increase among certain groups of government servants and the people “tasty for drinks” either recorded or hidden. This is not surprising since the cost of living has gone up. You can expect more people to do anything to survive on tighter stomach. Better buck up BPR to prepare for this or else the country’s ranking in corruptions will move to another history.

Point 7: If the people want to demonstrate on the street against fuel hike, just allow the police to give them permits. They will not do any harm nor cause any riots. It’s the best place for them to release their despair emotions. This is still better than expressing their disappointments at workplaces, which will reduce productivity at work and some more doesn’t contribute to the economic growth of the country.

On point 7, lets show our anguish by joining the massive rally on fuel price hike!!!!

"Untuk pinggang kita yang makin lansing kelaparan gara-gara minyak naik, mari kita demo kat KL!!!"


Anonymous said...

take all the money the cronies made from rakyat

Anonymous said...

just scrap the entertainment allowance

they want to entertain whom? bribery?