Monday, August 4, 2008

The Memoirs of 51st Merdeka Day

Its now August, and we are close to celebrate the 51st Independence Day of Malaysia. This year’s 31st August is indeed not just about another typical Merdeka celebration but rather a turning point for the people, in their search of better hope, troubled by various forms of hurdles. But we have witnessed some important historical moments, reasons for us to remember this Independence Day.

This year’s independence day will be remembered for the first victory of people’s struggle against the dictatorship leaders of the country, especially the memorable General Election, which successfully denied the BN party of 2/3-majority victory, and 4 important states and FT. This victory brought a lot of meaning the people, who for the first time in 50 years have finally witnessed the crack in the wall of reality, which was secluded from the people for decades under the same corrupted and liar government.

In marking 51 years of Merdeka, we also witnessed how the current political crooks, the spoilt kids who inherit political bloods from their fathers, leaving a vengeance by putting more burdens on the people from the rise in fuel price resulting in peak inflation to the people. It’s a record high inflation rate, in a decade, which dampens our economic growth. Again and again, they begged the people to change lifestyles while they, still enjoying lavish lifestyles in sponsored vehicles, residence and holidays overseas.

We also seen after so many years, a negotiation between the weaken UMNO and its nemesis, PAS so called to strengthen the Malays and Islam. Also, how the backbones of BN starts to shattered due to various disputes among component parties. Issues of top prominent politicians leaving their respective parties, issue of no confidence mood etc. For the 1st time in our country we saw all these issues to surface, a sentiment that we can remember on this Independence Day.

For the 51st Merdeka, let us remember the people’s efforts to organize massive rallies such as BERSIH and HINDRAF rallies. Not to forget those who are caught and caged under ISA regardless of their religions, backgrounds and races, for their struggles to unveil the truth and justice for the rights of Malaysians against the ravaging BN government. We hope that justice will prevail for these detainees that one day, they will be free again to feel the freedom that we have, as a result of their sacrifices for a better Malaysia.

Not to forget, for this 51st Merdeka celebration, lets mourn for the injustice on certain individuals, victims of conspiracies and interference from respective government crooks. Lets pray for the unrest soul of Altantuya that justice will prevail for her innocent life. Not to forget, lets hope that DSAI will be proven innocent against all these sodomy accusations, a highly conspired bobby trap setup by people, who are willing to sacrifice their dignity for the purpose of power insanity. We also pray to other victims, who couldn’t enjoy the freedom due to political conspiracies.

So, these are some of the reasons why this Independence Day is for the people, for our victories and struggles. Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

1 comment:

Crankster said...

Wow. This is the 3rd time I'm reading this and you've actually given quite a perspective of our political scene in relation to our independence.

Good one.