Sunday, August 24, 2008

Good luck, voters of Permatang Pauh

Who’s going to win the greatest battle of the 21st century in Malaysia. A moment we are waiting for anxiously to see whether Anwar’s reformasi is going to happen, or his dream to change the country will come to an end? Or adversely, will BN finally succeed in its plan to conquer this stronghold of PKR to signal the beginning of the fall in Pakatan Rakyat?

Permatang Pauh voters from all background will decide tomorrow who’s going to Parliament. Is it going to be DSAI or Arif Shah? Both men already showed their fists during the weeklong campaigning period showing the people their promises and changes that will happen in Permatang Pauh.

With DSAI making his attempt to march to Parliament and later to conquer Putrajaya, he is also marred by the conspired sodomy case, which many believe is just another political to put a scar on his political record. Anyway, the Imam who is the center of controversy has already testified in the public not long ago that Saiful’s swearing on the holy Quran is illegal and he was ordered for political purpose. Not a very holy attempt by BN. He is currently more popular among the people for his ideology to fight for the benefits of all races in the country, a Robin hood whom many hope will put the country in the right path again if he succeeded as the PM.

Arif Shah, an ADUN in Penang, is considered the best candidate for BN to wrestle this seat from PKR. His ability to speak Mandarin is his strength to draw Chinese voters. However, his confession of money sponsorship during this campaign will reduce his chances of winning. And his PHD course from a Bogus University has been an side issue in the media and public. But he is backup by a strong full force BN alliance, from DSAI's former aides to the likes of Naj, Liow T. Lai, Uncle Sam, Male Ape formerly caught red handed in ah kua act, plus all the BN controlled media, governmental bodies, and postal votes which might sweep the victory to him.

Anyway, BN is doing all it has in the box by utilizing their campaigning engine and SPR to swindle the voting process. At the moment, a few BN workers had been nabbed for their attempt to provoke hatred and racial tension in the campaigns, which prove that BN is running out of ideas. Money is again a kind of bribe, which can’t be separated from BN’s strategy to put voters away from practicing their right. As for SPR, it has again been a center of criticism where some eligible voters in its current list were indeed invalid, leaving a loophole for BN to inject its ghost voters into the polling process.

At the moment, only God knows who will reign supreme in Permatang Pauh. With less than 24 hours to go, the temperature in Permatang Pauh is rising, battle has intensified, and the voters especially will make their final decision on whom going to win the ticket to Parliament. Let the showdown begins! Good luck to Permatang Pauh voters. Your votes will decide the destiny of the country.

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