Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sarawak Independence Day

Lets commemorate the day when Sarawak got its independence with our state anthem, Ibu Pertiwiku.

Sarawak tanah air ku,
Negeriku tanah air ku Sarawak,
Engkau lah tanah pusaka ku,
Tanah tumpah darah ku, ibu pertiwi ku,

Rakyat hidup mesra dan bahagia,
Damai muhibah sentiasa,
Bersatu berusaha berbakti,
Untuk mu Sarawak cintai,

Aman makmur rahmat Tuhan maha esa,
Kekal lah Sarawak bertuah
Teras perjuangan rakyat,
Berjaya berdaulat.

PS: Censorship imposed on one of the phrases in lyrics in respect of some fellow Sarawakians who are mourning over the exploitations and mistreated state of arts done by the federal government.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

isnt sarawak dalam malaysia