Thursday, May 15, 2008

The beginning has just begun

Read this just now in Rockybru.

If this news is true, it might be due to:

1. As the new speaker, it was too much to handle parliamentary session with a new bunch of added PR MPs. Too much hot erecting moments during parliamentary session had also haunted him emotionally and mentally.

2. He wants to be remembered as the fastest Parliament speaker to resign in the history of Malaysia.

3. The imsomniac Dollah is not interested in the claims made by Sabahan MPs. Since he felt that he's just a pawn to Dollah, he decided to resign. Somemore, his value is not as high compare to the Male Ape.

4. He is so embarrassed by his homeland colleague, the Orang Utan of Kinabatangan for his barbaric barkings in Parliament.

5. DSAI has found him as the apple of his eyes. Irresistible temptations are waiting for him at the doorstep. Who knows he will be made one of the cabinet ministers after the DSAI comes to power as the new PM.

Those sound more like jokes but the sign of the new episode in the political reform in Sabah and the fall of UMNO has just begun.

Makkal Sakthi!!!


Anonymous said...

i think point #5 is the main reason

besides this can become the catalyst for them to unite in 1 party or revive usno becomes usbo or pbs

The People's Power said...

In fact, this comes at the right time since their supporters are no longer interested in BN, becoz most of rights of the Sabahans have been shared or taken over the immigrants, mainly the muslim immigrants who are given Mykad. Blame it on initial culprit, Dr. M. If this same policy is allowed in Sarawak for the indon, then the pribumi in Sarawak, have no choice but to share or lose their rights as well. See in Peninsular, K Toyol, the ancestor is actually Indon, who swim to our shore, given citizenship. That's how BN menganaktirikan bangsa sendiri.

Anonymous said...